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Assuming that you know about these weight loss secrets 28 days ago… You could lose 5 kg - 15 kg by now or at least your big tummy will reduce.
New Scientific research Reveals
3 simple secrets to lose weight, get a flat tummy and regain your dream body in the next 30 days…
Without eating tasteless or boring food And without starving yourself
96% of women who applied these 3 simple methods lost between 5 kg to 15 kg within 30 days
The secret in what I called “N.F.L Fat Loss Secret”
In the next 3 minutes I will show you how these Fat loss secrets work.
These Fat loss secrets that I'm about to show you are very effective…
When I revealed these 3 secrets to Nkechi A 34 years old lady in Lagos who weighed 102 kg,
She followed my instructions and lost 12 kg within 30 days and looked younger than her age… below is what she told me

lost 12kg within 30 days.
“Thank you so much ma, today makes it my 30 days of joining your training. I have already lost 12 kg.
What I love so much about your method is that it allows me to eat the same type of food with my husband and my children.
God bless you ma, I will refer more people to you. Your method is very easy to follow.”
It was the same 3 secrets I revealed to one of my students, mummy Jessica, from Anambra.
She used the 3 simple secret to achieve her fitness goal,
Guess what happened,
She told me that her husband looked at her and said

Mummy Jessica
From Anambra
“Baby you are looking younger, just the same way you were when I married you, I feel like paying your bride price again o”
That is to tell you that when you follow this simple fat loss secret that I'm about to share,
You will lose weight and look younger than your age.
I also revealed these secrets to one of my student Mrs. Abiodun a 52 years old grandma in Ogun State,
When she found out that she had achieved her fitness goal, she chatted me on WhatsApp and told me

Mrs Abiodun
52 years old grandma in Ogun State,
“Coach Jacinta, I never knew that it is possible to eat Nigerian food and still achieve my fitness goal but you made it possible for me”
So if you're thinking that this new Fat loss secret I am talking about is eating some expensive food that is different from what other family members are eating...
Then you are wrong
Because with this method you don't need to eat any expensive food,
In fact, with these fat loss secret that I'm about to share with you
You will still be eating the same type of food with other family members.
One of my students, Francisca Bose, a mother of 2 kids in Abuja, asked me
“Coach, this one that we are eating our normal Nigerian foods, are we still going to lose weight?”
I told her to continue following my instruction
After 21 days of following my simple instructions… she chatted me up on WhatsApp and said

Francisca Bose
A mother of 3 kids in Abuja
“WOW, I didn't believe my eyes o, I climbed the scale this morning and I find out that I have lost 9.2 kg,
My weight was 97 kg when I started following your instruction but this morning my weight is 87.8 kg.
I will keep following your instruction until I reach my desire body”
The good news is that even if your goal is to get flat tummy just like this my student in the picture below,
Her tummy looks like a 6 months pregnant woman but when she followed my instructions,
her belly reduced within 30 days as you can see from the picture below.

Now let me ask you…
Have you been struggling to lose weight and regain your dream body?
Are you tired of starving yourself or doing hard exercise in order to lose weight?
Are you tired of eating tasteless or boring food because you want to lose weight?
Have you joined a different weight loss program or paid for a different weight loss meal plan without seeing any results?
Worry no more…
You are about to discover a new and easier scientific Proven methods that allows you to lose between 5 kg to 15 kg within 30 days and keep it off
Without eating something different from other family members.
This is not one of those things you normally see on the internet,
These 3 New fat loss secrets has been proven by Harvard scientists to be one of the best methods
anyone can use to lose weight or get a flat naturally without struggling.
In a few seconds I will show you how it work
But first let me tell you how I discovered these 3 hidden fat loss secrets.
Hi, My name is Jacinta O.
I am a mother of 2 beautiful kids,
I almost lost my marriage because of excess body fat.
My husband married me as a skinny lady. When we were dating he told me clearly that she loves skinny girls,
And that is one of the reasons why he fell in love with me.
But when I gave birth to my second child Deborah, I added a lot of weight.
In fact, my weight went from 75 kg to 98 kg.
My husband wasn't comfortable with my new weight,
And His attitude towards me changed.
He stopped being the loving husband I knew,
His character changed to the extent that sometimes in my present he will be calling his side chicks on the phone,
Sometimes he will go to work and will come back late hours or may not come back at all.
He keeps telling me that my body irritates him.
One day I approach him and tell him to stop all those nonsense attitude,
He told me,
“Madam, if you are not comfortable with that, carry your BIG BODY and get out of my house.”
When he said that… he walked out.
That was when I knew that it is either I lose weight or I will lose my marriage.
But I made up my mind to lose weight instead of losing my marriage to other women.
So I started looking for different ways to lose weight and get a flat tummy, I tried different things like…
Doing hard exercise,
Drinking of weight loss supplement,
Eating small portion of foods,
Following a meal plan,
Going to the gym,
But none of them worked for me.
People keep telling me that I have stubborn fat.
I kept researching and reading different blog posts on the internet on how to lose weight,
wasting money on different weight loss training and weight loss supplements that don't work.
One day, I was on Harvard website researching and I found out…
the real thing that causes overweight, why many people struggle to lose weight
Plus I also discovered 3 New Fat Loss Secret that allows me to lose 20 kg… look more beautiful and younger than my age
And my husband started Loving Me Again.
Well, as you probably know,
I don't have any intention or plan to be a fitness Coach,
But when people started seeing how beautiful I looked when I Regained my dream body…
They start asking me
“Mommy Deborah, what do you do that enables you to lose weight?”
So I keep sharing the simple fat loss secrets that I discovered with them
And from my observation all those that follow the simple fat loss secret as I described
Lose between 5 kg to 15 kg within 30 days and look younger than their age.
As time goes on… I keep receiving testimonies from those that I gave the new fat loss secrets,
One day one of my colleague at work came to me and said
"Mummy Deborah, thank you for saving my mother's life"
I asked her "how..."
She said,
“Mum was overweight to the extent that she couldn't breathe well and the doctor said that my mom's blood pressure was high due to excess body Fat.
But since she started following the new fat loss secret that you gave her,
My mum is now breathing well and her blood pressure is now normal”
Immediately I heard her testimony, I asked myself...
“How can I help other people to lose weight and save more lives and marriages?”
That was when I created 30 days weight loss program called "30 Days Weight Loss Challenge"
30 Days Weight Loss Challenge is my 30 days weight loss program
Where I am going to hold you by the hand and give you the proper guidance you need to regain your dream body
Plus I will reveal to you that new proven fat loss secret that I used to lose 20kg
And keep it off for more than 5 years.
This method did just work for me... it also work for order people like you.
Below is one of my student's Precious Odes, her goal was to get a flat tummy.
When she joined my weight loss program I gave her the “New fat loss secret” that I just discovered
And after 30 days she sent me her before and after picture.

As you can see from the picture below her tummy has reduced.
And here is another student who went from 91 kg to 77 kg within 30 days.
You can see her before and after in the picture below.

This is another student of mine who has been wearing shapeless clothes because of excess body fat
But when she joined my 30 days weight loss challenge and achieved her fitness goal
She has started wearing her sexy clothes as you can see in the picture below.

Here is another student of mine that lost 10 kg within 30 days just by following my simple instructions.

The good news is that the simple fat loss secret that I will show you when you join my 30 days weight loss challenge will help you burn fat in any part of your body.
Just like this student, her goal was to lose back fat
As you can see from the picture below she's getting there gradually.

Here is another amazing testimony from one of my students Glory. Her goal was to lose belly fat.
Just look at the picture below to see her amazing testimony.

This is not like one of those fitness Training you might have joined before
where you are given an expensive meal plan or a meal plan that forces you to eat something different from other family members.
These fat loss secrets that I'm about to share with you when you join the beautiful body challenge is a
New Proven Fat Loss Secret that only few people knew.
96% of all those who knew about this new fat loss secret have regained their dream body and looked younger than their age.
You could be one of them if you join My 30 Days Weight Loss Challenge today.
Here are some of the things you will discover when you register for My 30 Days Weight Loss Challenge.
1. How to “Activate” your body and get it ready to burn Fat.
This is where I will share with you what my students are doing every morning that keeps them healthy and helps them to burn fat throughout the day.
2. The fat burning eating habit.
Here, I am going to share with you how to eat and burn fat,
You will discover what you must do before eating, what you will do while still on the table, what you will do immediately after eating.
And What you MUST avoid doing after eating.
If you know all these simple things you will eat almost all the foods you love and still lose weight.
3. Fat Loss Effort destroyer ingredients.
You will discover one popular cooking ingredient you must not add in large quantity when cooking If you want to lose weight.
Plus other cooking ingredients that are very high in calories.
This could be the reason why you are still struggling to lose weight or get a flat tummy even when you are eating small portions of foods.
4. Bad Cooking method that makes you fat.
You will discover all the bad cooking methods you should avoid if you want to lose weight or get a flat tummy…
And you will learn the New and simple cooking method that you should be using which allows you to enjoy your delicious food and still Lose weight or get a flat tummy.
Many people who want to lose weight are using bad cooking methods. That is why they keep struggling to lose weight.
5. The Healthy Plate Secret.
This is where I will show you how to use “the plate secret” and eat the same type of food with other family members and still lose weight or get a flat tummy.
6. The foods percentage Secret"
This is where you discover how to eat your normal Nigerian foods and burn fat without starving yourself or feeling hungry throughout the day.
I understand that one of the reason why people give up on their fitness journey is because of feeling hungry always
But the food percentage secret will allow you to eat and feel full always while still burning fat.
7. Healthy snacks options.
You will discover 1 popular snacks that makes people overweight without them knowing
You will discover all the good snacks you should be eating and the bad ones you should avoid completely.
This is very important because if you are eating unhealthy snacks you will be struggling to lose weight.
And More!
To make sure you lack nothing I am giving you 5 special bonuses that will make your fitness journey simple and easy for you,
But that is if you are among the first 7 people that will register today.

Bonus number 1.
You will get my 42 days food timetable.
I will give you my 42 days meal plan for weight loss and flat tummy.
This 42 days food timetable will show you what to eat as your breakfast, your lunch, your dinner… including what to eat as your snacks.
The food timetable will also show you the best time to eat your breakfast and your dinner that will enable you to lose weight or get a flat tummy fast.
Original price… 5,000 Naira. but you will get it for free…
If you register for my 30 days weight loss challenge today

Bonus number 2.
Eat Healthy And Melt Body Fat...
Inside this ebook, you will discover everything you need to know about eating healthy and burning Fat including...
How to calculate how many calories you need daily.
3 methods of losing weight while eating some of these foods you like.
How to read and understand food nutrition labels.
E t c.
Original price… 3,000 Naira. but you will get it for free…
If you register for my 30 days weight loss challenge today

Bonus number 3.
You will get a home workout video guide.
When you register for my beautiful body you will get some simple exercises that you will be doing even inside your room which will enable you to lose weight or get a flat tummy as fast as possible.
Original price… 2,000 Naira. but you will get it for free…
If you register for my 30 days weight loss challenge today

Bonus Number 4.
How To Make Healthy Smoothies And Drinks That Burn Fat.
Inside this ebook will discover how to make over 18 homemade delicious smoothies…
that you can be drinking instead of those unhealthy soft drinks that make you Fat.
Original price… 2,500 Naira. but you will get it for free…
If you register for my 30 days weight loss challenge today
Bonus Number 5.
You will be added to a support group.
Once you register for my beautiful body challenge… you will be added to a support group where you get all the support you need from me,
In the support group I will be guiding you, motivating you,
encouraging you and sharing all the hidden fat loss secrets
You need to know that will help you to achieve your fitness go effortlessly without eating tasteless food or starving yourself,
Not just that, in the support group you can also ask me your question anytime you need my assistance.
Original price… 5,000 Naira. but you will get it for free…
If you register for my 30 days weight loss challenge today
Now that you have seen all the things you will get when you register for my beautiful body challenge,
The question you may have in your mind now is
How much will it cost you to register for My 30 Days Weight Loss Challenge?
Well To Register for my Beautiful Body Challenge will cost you 10,000 Naira
But if you are ready to register now… I will give you a Special Discount Price.
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